Properties of plants to resist the negative forces of witchcraft or magic of the radiation comes from the smell and aura that is owned or issued. Following this, several kinds of plants which we know has an antidote to black magic aura. However, most should be noted that the location of the plants owned aura can protect homeowners.
Flower love this thorny stems have the power to absorb the negative air-air, including warding off witchcraft. Negative Eve successfully absorbed will be directly discharged into the ground. But it should not be planted in front of the house. Because when planted in front of the house, the negative air that you have entered the land, feared to be bypassed or skipped residents. If this terajdi, the occupants of the house can be affected by the disaster.
Flower love this thorny stems have the power to absorb the negative air-air, including warding off witchcraft. Negative Eve successfully absorbed will be directly discharged into the ground. But it should not be planted in front of the house. Because when planted in front of the house, the negative air that you have entered the land, feared to be bypassed or skipped residents. If this terajdi, the occupants of the house can be affected by the disaster.
Plants usually grow in dry areas it has the same power with roses; able to ward off witchcraft and other negative air-air. But this power can only come out when he planted or placed outside the house, behind, in front, or on the side. When placed in the home, not a repellent power witchcraft out, but it can resist the coming of fortune.
RED nut
Plants by scientific name cyrtostachys Lakka, also believed to reject such a witchcraft black magic attacks aimed at the occupants of the house.
Myrtle JAVA
Plants that have a scientific name Murraya paniculata is also believed to be able to resist the power of black magic. In addition, the world's traditional medicines, plants like jasmine flowers are used to treat ulcers, arthritis, bruises, toothache, inflammation of the testicles, urinary tract infections, and some other diseases.
CANE Wulung
Just like the red and yellow nut java, wherever planted, sugar cane bark to leaves to ward off this black with black magic who threaten residents. Because tuahnya, some paranormal usually use plants Latin name Saccharum officniarum as a healing medium.
TREE drawstring
Trees are one of the favorites this bonsai enthusiasts can eliminate evil intentions that threaten residents. Planted in the home anywhere, Camona retusa properties will appear.
In addition to six plants above, there are several other plants that have an aura of almost similar; evict and cool air can be 'hot'. Bias even repel the threat of venomous animals and thieves.
A kind of pink guava tree water has a very strong aura. In fact, because it was so strong aura issued, the land which was originally 'hot', if planted this plant will turn into a 'hockey'. Aura can also owned pemiliknyaatau bring fortune to the occupants of the house where she was planted. In some courts, Eugenia malaccencis Latin name of plants is also a symbol of 'hell kadersan ing fellow', illustrates aksih and love one another.
Cocor DUCK
Of the aura, the plant has the Latin name Kalanchoe pinnata has a strength similar to the guava dersono; can cool the soil is 'hot'. In some areas, Cocor duck used for migraine headaches, coughing, chest pain, ulcers, and some other types of skin diseases, fever, wounds, facilitate menstruation, as well as ulcer drug.
Plants whose leaves and fruit like a fig leaf melinjo like this has long been believed to repel poisonous snakes disorders. Mimusopselengi scientific name of this tree also has a meaning that is always 'be praised' always.
In addition or as an ornamental garden fence, yellow bambo family Bambusa vulgaris is the scientific name is also believed to reject the thief or thieves.
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